Welcome to Pendleton Parish Council

Welcome to the Pendleton Parish Council website, our aim is to make this site ago-toto" for local information and support.

The Parish Council operates as the first tier of local government (the town lies in the Borough of Ribble Valley, in the County of Lancashire), and comprises 5 Councillors who are elected or co—opted to act on your behalf. As a corporate body, we are responsible for a budget which is used to provide grants to local organisations, fund projects to improve the infrastructure of the community and to support the parish’s heritage.

The Council meets four times a year (quarterly) starting in February on the first Wednesday of the month at Pendleton Village Hall, Pendleton – details of meetings are published on this site, as well as on the notice board in the village. Members of the public are welcome to attend meetings and have the opportunity to speak and inform councillors of their views. Pendleton Parish Council’s aim is to always be accessible to the public, and we want to represent all views of the residents of Pendleton Parish.

In addition, our other responsibilities include:

Representing the interests of Pendleton Parish with decision-making bodies, such as Ribble Valley Borough Council and Lancashire County Council including being a statutory consultee for planning permissions in the Parish.

Managing the money raised (as precept) from your Council Tax bills.

Seeking other funding and allocating grants and awards to local voluntary and charitable organisations for projects benefiting the community.

Maintaining public areas the village and surrounding area in the parish.

Raising queries with relevant authorities on behalf of residents: Ribble Valley Borough Council, Lancashire County Council, Police, Environment Agency and United Utilities.

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